From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 22/06/2015 18:05:12 UTC
Subject: ODG: SLS conference 2016

I post on behalf of Andrew Burrows:

This is advance notice to let list members know that next year’s annual
conference of the Society of Legal Scholars will be held in September
2016 at the University of Oxford in St Catherine’s College. The
conference will run from the afternoon of Tuesday 6th September until
lunchtime on Friday 9th September, 2016. The theme of the conference
will be Legislation and the Role of the Judiciary. As usual, papers for
the Subject Sections seminars may examine any aspect of the conference
theme but will be very welcome on any topic.

Booking will open in May 2016 via the Conference website.

Subject Sections Programme
The division of Subject Sections into A and B groups and allocation to
the first or second half of proceedings will be confirmed in early 2016

Call for Papers
Subject Section convenors will be sending out a call for papers in
February 2016. Contact details will also be available on the Subject
Sections page on the Society’s website.

I look forward very much to welcoming you to Oxford in 2016.
Andrew Burrows
Professor of the Law of England, All Souls College, University of Oxford
SLS Vice-President (2014-15), President (2015-16)

Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435